Hurricane Dorian emergency info

In the wake of Hurricane Dorian and the state of emergency, the Board of Pharmacy has activated Policy 14, which covers these kinds of emergency situations.

Emergency refills

You may give people up to a 30-day supply of their medication.


  • This does not apply to controlled substances.
  • In your professional judgment, the prescription drug must be essential to the maintenance of the patient’s life or to the continuation of therapy.
  • You must make “a good faith effort” to record all the pertinent information as required by law, indicate that it is an “emergency refill prescription,” and hold onto those records.
  • You must informs the patient that the prescription drug “is being provided without the practitioner’s authorization and that authorization of the practitioner is required for future refills.”
  • As soon as possible, as conditions permit, you must notify the patient’s prescriber.

Click here for the official statement from the Board of Pharmacy.

Out of state pharmacy staff

During the state of emergency, pharmacists and pharmacy technicians not licensed in Georgia but licensed in other states may do their jobs in Georgia.

Such a pharmacist “may obtain a temporary license to dispense prescription drugs in areas affected by the declared disaster during the time that the state of emergency exists.”

Such a technician or intern “may assist the pharmacist in dispensing prescription drugs in affected disaster areas” during the emergency.

There are important caveats. Click here for the details of Policy #14

Most important, stay safe!

Pot for pain? “Skyrocketing” interest

Not surprisingly, with marijuana laws relaxing across much of the country, the potential medical benefits of cannabis are attracting more interest. The American Association of Anesthesiologists took a survey, in fact, and found that…

More than two-thirds of those surveyed said they have used or would consider using marijuana or cannabinoid compounds — including cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol — to manage pain.

Aspirin when healthy: more harm than good?

A study presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress reiterates a recent recommendation: Healthy people over 70 should avoid an aspirin regimen. “Modest reductions in CVD risk were outweighed by the increased bleeding hazard.”

The fairly short but interesting read: How German pharmacies are different than ours

Shopping At The Apotheke: Compare German Pharmacies With Your Corner Drugstore

“Every prescription drug costs the same in every pharmacy. The reason is that every person should have the same access. Whether they live in a rural area [or a city], they shouldn’t be punished in terms of prices.”