Running themes in GPhA Buzz

GPhA Buzz (the site) is simply an archive of GPhA Buzz (the daily newsletter). It’s published — usually — about a day after the e-mail version, which is sent to Georgia Pharmacy Association members (and a few select others).

We’ve noticed some running themes (not funny enough to be running jokes) that writer Andrew Kantor tends to slip in. In no particular order….

Obscure science-fiction and [pop]-culture references

If you don’t understand a headline (or comment in the text), chances are you’re just unfamiliar with whatever obscure book, movie, or historical tidbit happened to pop into Andrew’s head at the time.

We’ve spotted references to Tom Lehrer and Dire Straits songs, Star Trek, medieval history, Rick and Morty, Shakespeare, urban legends, Stranger Things, ’70s TV commercials, ’80s movies, old punchlines, WWII battles, Robert Heinlein books … you get the idea.


Liberal use of footnotes

Rumor has it that this is inspired by Andrew’s favorite writer, the late, great Terry Pratchett.

Breaking of the fourth wall… such as it is

Especially in footnotes and when referencing headlines — see image above.


Mouse and rat treatments

If a treatment seems to work on mice (or rats), that’s how it will be written in Buzz. So you’ll see, “If you know a mouse with hangnails, good news….” Leave it to the mainstream media to assume it works on people, too.

The top teaser text

Our mail software lets us add a sentence at the very top as a preview of sorts. It usually references one of the stories, or maybe something in the news, or maybe some obscure holiday … honestly, we have no clue where some of them come from.

“Those shifty Danes”

We don’t know what Andrew has against the Danish people.

“Artist’s conception”

We’re not sure what artist he’s using, but alcohol may be involved.