AFM in Georgia, concerns

At least four Georgia kids have been hit with acute flaccid myelitis — the ‘mysterious, polio-like illness’ that’s been popping up all over the country. And now the CDC’s own medical advisors are criticizing the agency’s handling of the issue.

[CDC advisor and neurology professor] Dr. Keith Van Haren and other doctors who care for these children say the agency has been slow to gather data and to guide pediatricians and emergency room physicians on how to diagnose and treat the children struck with the disease.

Please stand by

The Trump administration is waiting until after the mid-terms to announce its next proposal for cutting drug pricing. Read into that what you will.

Meanwhile, with House control still a toss-up, Nancy Pelosi’s come-to-Jesus moment may be coming for drug makers.

PBMs blamed for Epi-Pen prices

A lawsuit says they didn’t do their duty to protect patients, and that allowed Mylan jack up the price of Epi-Pens. (A judge just ruled that yes, the class-action suit can continue.)

You’re a social creature

A major factor in dementia risk: loneliness.

A new Florida State University College of Medicine study involving data from 12,000 participants collected over 10 years confirms the heavy toll that loneliness can take on your health: It increases your risk of dementia by 40 percent.

Babies, bathwater, and the throwing out of both*

Suboxone helps opioid addicts fight withdrawal, but it can also be abused. And that means cracking down on it might end up hurting more than helping.

*I’ll take ‘Obtuse Headlines’ for $400, Alex

At some point food labels are gonna look like laundry-care tags

The FDA is considering requiring allergy warnings for foods containing sesame.

Can we bring up the hygiene hypothesis now?

Dogs can sniff out malaria

It’s actually important — early treatment means a much higher survival rate.

Don’t give these out tonight

We need to find some story with a pharmacy/Halloween twist, and we got it. There’s this discussion out there: “What Are Your Favorite CBD Gummies?