Opioid use dropped last year

So says a report from the IQVIA Institute for Human Data Science — in fact, it fell at a record rate.

Prescription opioid use in the U.S. was down 17% in 2018, marking the largest annual decline ever recorded [….] In 1992, prescription opioid use was at roughly 22 pain pills per U.S. adult per year and rose to a peak level of 72 pills per U.S. adult in 2011, IQVIA said. Since 2011, use has declined by 43% to 34 pills per adult.

The needs of the many outweigh the nonsense you read on Facebook

77% of Americans say kids should get measles shot even if parents object.”

Resistance is a little more futile

Colistin is a last-resort antibiotic, and yet there are some infections that resist it. Now scientists have identified the gene that makes resistance possible, called mcr-9. The bad news: It’s a “jumping” gene, meaning it can spread to other organisms.

Knowing what mcr-9 can do might not help with treatment (yet), but if it can be identified in food products or people that might help prevent a resistant infection. “This improves our ability to get an early warning,” said Cornell’s Martin Wiedmann, senior author on the study.

Say it again

If you want kids to eat healthier, repetition is the key.

Saying “Lentils will help you run faster,” for instance, encourages preschoolers to understand the benefits and pick the foods they want, the study authors write in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.

Say it again

If you want kids to eat healthier, repetition is the key.

Saying “Lentils will help you run faster,” for instance, encourages preschoolers to understand the benefits and pick the foods they want, the study authors write in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.

Because why not

Guys, have you been shaving with cold steel blades like… like some kind of animal?

Fear not, Gillette feels your pain. The company is introducing a five-bladed heated razor called, well, the Heated Razor. It will sell for a mere $200; additional blades are just $25 each. (The company felt the need to point out that the Heated Razor is also waterproof.)

Now you no longer need to walk around like a scruffy-looking nerf herder.

You using that pickle?

If so, it might be a smart move. Medical News Today explains “What are the benefits of pickles?